Baxter is Drew's new puppy. He was an early birthday present and is the sweetest little beagle. Drew has long been obsessed with dogs and we figured now was a great time to get a puppy. Heck, we just potty trained one, we can potty train another. Really though, this guy acts like he is the newborn baby of the family. "Oh, I'm so cute with my sad eyes. Hold me and cuddle me."

How is Drew adjusting? She's obsessed. When we brought him home, we put him under a box with a bow on top. She lifted the box and was stunned for about 5 seconds, then ran circles around the house laughing and shouting. Then he touched her slightly with his paw and she started bawling.
See, he had some sharp little puppy claws and Drew's pain tolerance is at a negative two. For a while she would run away any time he came near her, would wear long stretchy black pants to protect her legs, and drew in claws on all pictures of him.

Now things are much better and Drew carries him around the house like one of her stuffed animals.
Welcome to the family, Bax.