Jason and Drew's big birthdays were on Sunday and we had a great party weekend. Jason lost all birthday decisions three years ago when Drew was born. She got to pick the cake, the Spongebob plates, and basically stole the entire birthday limelight. Pssh, three year olds.
Of all the possible birthday cakes, Drew asked for two things. Blue frosting and all different colors of m&ms.

She had been talking about her birthday party every day for at least two months. When the day arrived she couldn't nap and couldn't wait. I stalled in every way possible before the party guests (family) were to arrive at 5pm. I curled her hair. I painted her nails. She tried on different princess heels. She chose this dress to wear. Even though it's a dress I needed pictures of for my shop and now it's covered in blue frosting.

Basically we have the best family ever and she had the time of her life. And got really great presents too. It has been like Christmas in our house this past week.

All I can think about when I see this last picture is kissing her cheeks. They are soft, squishy, and cool to the touch. Best things to kiss ever.
Drew loves to tell me how she is growing bigger. That her feet are getting bigger. Her hair is getting bigger. Her eyes are getting bigger. And her hands are getting bigger. Every time I tell her in reply that she can't grow any more and she needs to stay small. And every time her reply, "Never."