We have succeeded this year in doing what few people are able to do... plant a garden in Phoenix and things actually survive. You can see our pea vines in the background are all dead now, but only after we scored buckets of pea pods.
Here the gardeners are picking potatoes and carrots for our foil dinners that night.
Eating her spoils.
The overseer of the laborers. He runs a tight ship.
Also, Drew's dress is a sample of a new pattern of mine. Just a few adjustments to make and it is perfect. I am slowly (very slowly) getting my shop together again. I have so many things I want to do and negative amounts of time to do it in. Remember... overseer... tight ship:
Who am I kidding? This boy will never do any wrong in my eyes.
Also on the menu this week from our garden:
Beef and vegetable pot pie
Parmesan oven fries