Remember this little beauty? And remember how I said it probably will not make it to see 2009? I may have left it right there on my windowsill neglected while I was out of town for five weeks. My other houseplant was a little parched when I returned home, but after a good watering, it was as perky and happy as ever.
This orchid though was unforgiving. It is supposed to go three weeks without watering. What is just two more weeks? Was it really necessary to go all black-leaved and mushy-rooted? A little dramatic, I think. I do not want plant drama in my life. And since no amount of my love and care could return it, it got dumped. I am very sad.
And my heart aches a little to see all the green that used to be outside my window.
You crack me up. I'm sorry to hear about the plant. I had such high hopes for it!