Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An Exchange Between Drew and Seymour, the Petting Zoo Goat

Drew: Hey Seymour, how's it going there buddy? You hangin' in there?

Seymour: Oh you know, I've seen better days.

Seymour: It's just that nobody understand me in here, you know?

Drew: Oh pull it together Seymour. You don't have it so bad.

Seymour: That's it. You don't get me either.

Drew: Wait Seymour, I didn't mean it like that.

Drew: Would you just stop? Hug it out, Seymour.


  1. hahahahaha, Brooklyn just said "hey, look at my cousin Drew hanging out with that canteloupe....I mean lope, nope, goat!" Who needs to watch comedies with these little monkeys running around! :)

  2. She cracks me up!Those photos are great. Don't you love those petting zoos.
