Let's recap the previous contestants...

Intimidated? Naturally... But we hope you are up for the challenge.
Following are the official rules:
- Each entry must be submitted by midnight, Thursday, October 23 (to cheliseb@aol.com).
- Include a picture and the name of your pumpkin. Oh yes, it needs a name. Optional: can include a brief statement on why your pumpkin will win.
- The polls will be open the week of October 24-October 30, in which the creator of each pumpkin will remain anonymous.
- Winner will be announced Halloween morning and claim the PPCC title.
Before you embark on your masterpiece, remember the judging criteria:
- creativity/originality
- difficulty
- best skill/fewest mistakes
- best use of lighting
- one you would least want to meet in a dark alley
- one with most sex appeal
- overall favorite pumpkin
Happy carving, everyone!
How exciting. I have only carved a pumpkin once in my life. I am not good at all so I probably won't enter. Chance and my thing is the costumes when it comes to Halloween. This years is going to be a doozy.